Jessica Katherine McDowell Sigar, Summer 2013 Participant
The one-on-one conversations with the various healthcare professionals was the most rewarding experiences. We got to hear the good, the bad and the ugly from all different types of people. Also, the perceptions of the United States was very interesting to hear from people who are not native to the country.
Summer 2012 Participant
My favorite part was exploring so many different parts of Stockholm. By the end, I felt like I understood health care and social welfare system, but also the geography of the city and the culture of the people in it.
Jessica Katherine McDowell Sigar, Summer 2013 Participant
What would be helpful for future students to know about this program is that is beneficial to many people who are wanting to go into healthcare management and future physicians. Great eye opening experience for future policy, management and physicians. I learned that every healthcare system has it positives and negatives and to achieve the best system we must figure out to combine the best features of as many systems as possible to make them fit into one system. That would be an ideal state.