Winter Break 2018 Participant
The sense of independence in navigating a foreign country definitely stayed with me when I returned home, and being able to relate the material from this class to my other music history courses has been very useful and helpful. Even learning about one area or specific time period can give you a larger perspective on everything else you learn about.
Sasha L Arteaga, Winter Break 2018 Participant
I really enjoyed how interdisciplinary the program was-we not only saw some fantastic operatic and symphonic repertoire, but we also talked about art, architecture, and political history. It was also cool to see how events that took place even 600 years ago still have an effect on the everyday lives of the people who live in Vienna and Prague.
Jane Carrol Trembley, Winter Break 2018 Participant
My favorite part of this program was discussing an element of common themes in class, and then watching an opera and seeing how that particular production handled the topic we focused on. I loved being in a country where opera is so appreciated and important to their culture.