Olivia Marcene Jensik, Spring 2014 Participant
I improved my language skills substantially, through living with a host family but also through taking classes that were completely in Spanish.
Early Start Fall 2018 Participant
San Andrés is a small university with amazing classes, but my favorite part of the experience was actually due to the host family I was placed with. They supported me and helped me navigate around the city. Very quickly, it felt like they became family to me. Living with a host family also gave me a lot more time to practice Spanish and learn about cultural events in the city.
Early Start Fall 2018 Participant
Get involved in clubs. It really helps you make friends with local students. I joined TECHO, a volunteer organization that works to build houses over a weekend for families that do not even have a roof over their heads. We packed up a weekend back and slept on the floor of a church as we built a house across the days we were there. It was an incredible experience and one that helped me make some lasting friendships with local students from San Andrés.