Jason Bowen Rydalch, Fall 2016 Participant
I found the cultural aspects most rewarding. Becoming familiar with new cultures and appreciating the differences was extremely rewarding in regards to my personal development.
Mandeep Kaur Ballagan, Fall 2017 Participant
My favorite part of the program was a student organization that was offered for every single exchange student to be a part of called KUBA. KUBA stands for Korea University Buddy Assistants and it is made up of over 100 Korean students and 800 exchange students. Every single exchange student is placed into one of the 8 groups and is partnered with one Korean student as their "buddy". This group meets for weekly lunches and dinners, and weekend activities. This group really helped me make friends, get involved in both campus and our city, and experience Korean culture.
Academic Year 2017 Participant
Attending school in a different country widened my perspective of how people from other countries perceive the United States. Also, becoming familiar with new teaching and grading styles while difficult has given me the opportunity to improve my study skills.