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Programs : Program Cost

The following listing represents the Summer Program Cost for CIMBA Italy Program.

Summer Program Cost for CIMBA Italy Program
Summer Program Cost for CIMBA Italy Program
Program Cost Item KU Student
KU Tuition *   $40.00
KU Required Fee *   $505.00
Billable through KU Enroll & Pay subtotal:  $545.00
CIMBA Program Fees   $6,998.00
Airfare   $1,800.00
Passport   $165.00
Passport Photos   $15.00
Personal Expenses   $100.00
Estimated Additional Student Expenses subtotal:  $9,078.00
Total: $9,623.00

These fees are the estimated costs for Summer 2025.

  • KU Tuition includes one semester of $40 placeholder enrollment fee (FRSP enrollment).
  • KU Required fee includes administrative fees and KU orientation.
  • CIMBA Program Fees include: CIMBA Tuition for 6 undergraduate credit hours, Double occupancy room in an on-campus residence hall, Meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the campus cafeteria, Textbook rental, Wifi on campus and in living facilities, Laundry tokens and soap, Linens and towels (changed weekly), Housecleaning, International travel insurance (including health and emergency evacuation), Coverage includes one travel day before and one after the designated program dates, Bus transportation to and from campus for program start and end (dependent on flight arrival time), 1 gourmet Italian meals at a fine-dining restaurant, Cultural exploration activities (excludes independent travel), Company tours for Undergraduate students.
  • CIMBA fees are billed through the University of Iowa. 
  • All other fees listed are estimated additional expenses. The actual total cost will vary for each participant depending on spending habits and travel plans.

Funding your Study Abroad Program

* Billable item through KU Enroll & Pay