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Visual Art in Japan : Reviews (Echizen)

The following program review responses have been selected for publication by Study Abroad & Global Engagement
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Summer 2014 Participant
My favorite part of the Japan program was participating in the woodblock printmaking workshop. It was the experience of a life time. Working so close under Mt. Fuji was amazing. I got to experience how it feels to focus solely on creating art, and that is something I revere with all my heart!


Der Lee, Summer 2014 Participant
My favorite part of this program were the artist residencies I was able to participate in, such as Awagami Paper Factory and the Mokuhanga Printmaking Artist Residency as well as the special cultural experiences such as the Kabuki Theatre performance, wonderful food, and the temples!


Olivia Noel Hernandez, Summer 2016 Participant
I found the student exchange component very rewarding. It was one thing to experience the country as a western cloister, it was another to have to communicate cross-culturally with Japanese students, and try to work beyond the language barrier and into the universal language of art and sensation.


Maggie Lynn Noble, Summer 2018 Participant
I found the hands on aspects most rewarding. I can now say I have and know how to make Japanese paper and create traditional Japanese prints, skills that aren't so common in the US.


Olivia Noel Hernandez, Summer 2016 Participant
Being able to learn ancient Japanese paper making traditions was an incredibly valuable experience. Whether or not you have a specific interest or application for learning Japanese papermaking, just having the opportunity to learn and process was incredibly special.


Carissa Ann Kemnitz, Summer 2016 Participant
I learned more about myself and I found peace and tranquility while immersing myself in a new culture. I discovered what my tastebuds enjoyed or turned away from by trying everything presented to me. I learned to constantly take photos but to also seize the moment without the camera. I found Independence and strength I did not know existed.