London Review - KU Honors Program : Reviews (London)
The following program review responses have been selected for publication by Study Abroad & Global Engagement
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Kelsey Ann Carothers,
Spring Break 2013 Participant
The combination of group and individual activities made the trip educational and enjoyable for all of the students that participated. Developing the book was also a fun experience since all of the students on our trip came from different personal and educational backgrounds and we combined all of our London experiences to create the London Review Book.
Taylor Patricia Bettles,
Spring Break 2014 Participant
Everything about this program was amazing; the people, the trip, and even the work! My favorite part was of course getting to see London and be a part of that world for ten days. I only wish I could have stayed longer!
Jenny Lynn Curatola,
Spring Break 2014 Participant
The London Review is a program that prioritizes students' independence. My favorite part was visiting schools I'm applying to in the UK. Not many people were interested in doing that with me, but the program gives you the freedom to make the trip your own.
Ashleigh Rose Lee,
Spring Break 2014 Participant
I loved how the students created the schedule. We had no obligations besides the group dinners and a few group outings. The trip was completely tailored to each student and what he or she wanted to get out of this experience.
Elaina Ardra Smith,
Spring Break 2014 Participant
I loved that we were able to basically make our own program. There were several group events, but otherwise we were able to make our own plans and do exactly what we wanted to do. This made the program unique because we could cater it entirely to our own areas of interest and study. I am a performance major and was able to see 5 West End shows! There is no other program I know that would be able to offer this experience.
Laura E Carlson,
Spring Break 2015 Participant
There were so many favorite parts. Bonding with the other people in a short amount of time was really fun. It was great how I had a rough plan for the week and then just figured out my plans day by day in London. Some of the best parts were simply being outside watching street performers or watching London come to life in the mornings.
Spring Break 2015 Participant
My favorite part of the program was being able to get out of my comfort zone and experience a whole other part of the world that I didn't think I'd ever get the chance to see.
Brett Dylan Doze,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
My favorite part of this program was getting to know other honors students and having a week to spend time with them in an outstanding city. I made friends on this trip that I plan on staying in touch with.
Spring Break 2016 Participant
My favorite part was hearing the different languages in the streets of London, as well as the wide array of events a music lover has the opportunity to encounter.
Spring Break 2016 Participant
The London Review allowed me to a large amount of freedom to experience London my way. I loved being able to spend days alone, walking around London finding bookstores and cafes.
Bonnie Reinsch,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
I loved getting to see all the historical sites and artifacts in London. It was incredible to touch stones in buildings and think "This stone is older than my country."
Emily Lauren Roberts,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
There is a certain amount of freedom we have while on this trip that allows us to really explore our interests and find our independence while in London. The entire trip and subsequent book making process is worth while and fun!
Katelyn F Shirley,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
I loved that I was able to have new experiences with people I had never spent much time with, in a place that was unfamiliar to us all. The tourist attractions, pubs, art and history were all phenomenal and I will never forget any of it.
Patrick Spanier,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
As a double major in Chinese Language and Literature and Accounting, a higher level English course short term study abroad program does not seem like it should be on my transcript. However, thanks to the honors program I was able to attend this program that is drastically outside of my major. Many other honors students took this opportunity and we all were able to become friends and had many misadventures in London. I befriended a mechanical engineer, an architectural engineer, a film major, a history major, and a strategic communications major. All of these people I would not have met otherwise but through this program we were able to meet and become friends and challenge each other in ways that would not have happened without this program. In conclusion my favorite part of this program was the friendship I made from students of different majors.
Alicia L Whitson,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
My favorite part was all the time I had to explore London on my own and do the things that were meaningful to me.
Taylor Alexandra Avery,
Spring Break 2017 Participant
My favorite part about this program was having the opportunity to explore the places we wanted to go in London and learn by experience. I felt it was such a community-centered week and it was so fun to get to know my peers better by being in London.
Margaret Kaemmerer,
Spring Break 2017 Participant
The independence. We only had a few planned events during the week, and pretty much got to explore as we pleased. We could travel to different cities or even countries if we wanted to. This really helped us maximize our experience throughout the week; being able to go see what we wanted to see.
Caroline H Newman,
Spring Break 2017 Participant
My favorite part of the program was the friendships developed over the week abroad.
Katherine Anne Poulose,
Spring Break 2017 Participant
My favorite part was getting to know other students from different years and majors across campus. Dr. Klayder facilitated a comfortable and warm environment for open discussion.
Spring Break 2017 Participant
My favorite part of the program was the freedom to experience London at our own pace and in our own way!
Samuel Jeffrey Steuart,
Spring Break 2017 Participant
My absolute favorite part of the London Review was the exposure it gave me to so many people from cultures and backgrounds much different than my own. London attracts people from every corner of the world and the feelings I had while being there and surrounded by such diverse perspectives and ways of life were indescribable. This program was the first time I ever left the United States and I could not imagine a more perfect trip to be my first exposure to the world outside of Kansas. The epitome of London's assemblage of culture was how at times I would hear a different language being spoken with each step I took walking down a sidewalk. While my sole destination was London, I genuinely feel like I saw so much more of the world than what only Great Britain could represent. I was surrounded by people from so many different countries and cultural backgrounds unlike my own and nothing has challenged my perspective of the world more than the experiences I had while on this program. In London I saw the world on an international scale and the lessons I learned have inspired me to look for even more ways I can appreciate and celebrate the diverse range of cultures and backgrounds represented in America too. The one factor that unites every human being on this planet is that we are all uniquely diverse and what makes each of us different should always be respected, cherished, and celebrated like I felt it was in London. My greatest hope from this program is to forever take that lesson home with me and search for ways to practice that way of thinking in every aspect of my life, especially during my time at the University of Kansas.
Kelly K Werther,
Spring Break 2017 Participant
My favorite part of The London Review was the freedom I was afforded as a student. The last time I traveled abroad was when I was a sophomore in high school. I remember that trip being very structured with little opportunity to get out and explore on our own. Being able to choose where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do in London allowed me to tailor my trip to my likes and interests.
Spring Break 2017 Participant
My favorite part was watching everyone experience their own taste of London. London is such a diverse city that each experience will be different, and each day will be brand new. My favorite part was bearing witness to this cultural complexity.
Ryan R Dickey,
Spring Break 2018 Participant
I loved the free reign we had when it came to exploring the city. We had one day allotted to visiting Oxford, and four designated group outings (three dinners and a play). Other than that, we had the rest of the 8 or so days to explore London as we chose. If you wanted to plan every second of your trip, you had that option. If you wanted to talk to people at breakfast and make the day's plans on the fly, you had that as well. I got to shape my experience abroad just the way I wanted to, and that made this trip perfect.
Spring Break 2018 Participant
My favorite thing about the London Review is that it gives every student the opportunity to personalize their experience and focus on their interests.
Jackson P Bryan,
Spring Break 2019 Participant
Visiting Oxford and receiving a personal tour of the campus with London Review and Oxford University alumni was my favorite part of the trip.
Spring Break 2019 Participant
I enjoyed how open-ended the itinerary was. We had plenty of time to adventure to whichever parts of London we thought were the most interesting. I personally liked going to places that were a little more down the rabbit hole.
Natalie Marie Rushing,
Spring Break 2019 Participant
I absolutely loved getting to explore a new city with my classmates and professor. It was so fun getting to see new things each day and spend time with different people throughout the trip.
Spring Break 2020 Participant
The London Review is a spectacular program in which you truly get to know a bit of European culture. London is an extremely large European city, so you get influences from all over the continent. Perhaps my favorite part though, was getting to go to the musicals and plays they put on. It's very interesting to see the way other cultures portray the United States and the subtle nuances of our culture.
Spring Break 2020 Participant
My favorite part of this program was the day trip to Oxford. Oxford is a much quieter city than London and it was a really cool experience to have the opportunity to visit. In Oxford, I didn't do a lot of sightseeing as a tourist. Instead, I tried to find places that natives to the area would go and experienced Oxford that way.
Spring Break 2020 Participant
I have never travelled outside of the country before. As a senior at KU, I wanted the opportunity to travel with a group of like-minded individuals during a short period of time. With that, I've had friends go on The London Review with Mary Klayder in previous years and heard nothing but outstanding reviews! I knew that this was the opportunity for me. Going to London, and with my fellow colleagues, was an experience I will never forget. I will always cherish the bonds I created, the sights I saw, and the culture I immersed myself in.
Spring Break 2020 Participant
My favorite part of this program was the opportunity to really build a personalized trip. I was able to cater my experiences to my interests and also to do my "Must Dos".
Spring Break 2013 Participant
The whole experience was very rewarding. I was able to make new friends, see the world, and reflect on my experience in a positive light.
Kaitlynn Mallory Howell,
Spring Break 2013 Participant
This program allowed each individual participant to experience London in their own unique way. If you wanted to be in a group, you could do so. But if there was something you wanted to do on your own, you were given the freedom to do so. It made everyone free to learn about, see, and do everything they wanted.
Maricel Victoria Diaz Camacho,
Spring Break 2014 Participant
Having the ability to freely choose the sights and experiences helped me curate my own memories. This also provided opportunities to meet others with the same interests and go explore with them, taste a true "Mom and Pop" meal and understand my profession - being a journalist. Wandering is a catalyst for inspiration. Speaking with cab-drivers, or joking with the bartender at the pub were only minute elements that must be experienced.
Megan E Bricks,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
I think the most rewarding aspect of the London Review is that you get to explore the city of London and learn as much about it as you want. We each got to see and do things that we wanted, and now we get to create a book of reviews about our experiences.
Brett Dylan Doze,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
The most rewarding element of this program was being able to experience how global the city of London is. I heard so many languages and experienced so many different cultures that I don't normally get to witness in the United States.
Spring Break 2016 Participant
The most rewarding elements of the program was the freedom to decide and plan when and where I would like to go.
Bonnie Reinsch,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
Being able to see and experience so many things that I wouldn't have seen or experienced if I didn't study abroad.
Spring Break 2016 Participant
Great cultural gems that truly reflect the history of England. I loved immersing myself into the culture and juxtaposing American and British societal expectations.
Emily Lauren Roberts,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
The friendships that I established on this trip will last a lifetime. Being able to find more independence in my life is also one of the greatest rewards of this trip.
Katelyn F Shirley,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
I made lifelong friends and discovered a place I had no idea I would love so much. I also explored on my own a lot, which was something that I had never done in a big city before.
Patrick Spanier,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
The most rewarding part of the program was the value I got in regards to my majors. I did get a lot of value in regards to my two majors from this as well as help set myself up for the future. In regards to my Chinese major, I was able to observe the Chinese influence on the city in Chinatown, study the ancient Chinese artifacts in the British museum, and listen to a lecture on UK Chinese relationships from the UK ambassador to China at the London School of Economics. In regards to my accounting major, I was able to speak with the dean of admissions for the Accounting and Finance program at the London School of Economics as well as have a meaning discussion about converging accounting standards, the focus of my global seminar.
Alicia L Whitson,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
I loved being able to see The Tempest at the Sam Wanamaker Theatre.
Taylor Alexandra Avery,
Spring Break 2017 Participant
I found unlimited access to the tube most rewarding. it was that kind of freedom that led to learning while exploring, and sometimes getting lost.
Margaret Kaemmerer,
Spring Break 2017 Participant
Again, I would say it was the independence. You could start the day by going to the Churchill War Museums and spend 30 minutes there or 5 hours (like I did). So if you started the day with a group but you wanted to stay longer at a certain cite or museum, you could really see everything you wanted to and they could leave to see something you weren't as interested in.
Caroline H Newman,
Spring Break 2017 Participant
Having both group events and time to explore individually was what really made the program enjoyable. The group became a family in some ways, and, much like a family, many in the group needed individual days to really discover new parts of the world. I loved being able to spend the morning with the group and then go off on my own in the afternoon to get lost in the different areas of London.
Spring Break 2017 Participant
The most rewarding part of the program for me was the cultural experience the ability to wander London alone and still have the security of the group close by if I needed them.
Kelly K Werther,
Spring Break 2017 Participant
Traveling alone. It was certainly intimidating at times, but The London Review allowed me to grow as a person because I was able to improve my confidence in myself and my social skills. It was very rewarding to learn how to navigate the Tube and the streets of the city by myself, often without help from technology (no cellular data or Wi-Fi!).
Mallory J Lanier,
Spring Break 2018 Participant
I loved traveling with a group, but also having the chance to create your own London experience. We were all able to chose what we specifically wanted to see and had the independence to travel there as well.
Spring Break 2018 Participant
I found the individualized nature of the program to be most rewarding because I was able to seek out experiences that I found most interesting as well as hear about other students' experiences that I may have never thought to try.
Conner L Winters,
Spring Break 2018 Participant
I found the level of independence rewarding. You have a very helpful teacher as a safety net, but you are allowed to explore and plan activities on your own.
Erin Meredith Woods,
Spring Break 2018 Participant
I found that I was most rewarded by the feeling of self-assurance I found in London. I realized very quickly upon arrival that I was more capable with respect to navigating this city than I thought I could be, and it allowed me to fall in love with the whole of the experience.
Spring Break 2019 Participant
I enjoyed traveling with lovely people who were knowledgeable and respectful of the culture around them. This helped me enjoy the location and the trip overall.
Brett W Knepper,
Spring Break 2019 Participant
Possibly the most rewarding part of the experience was getting to explore the campus of Oxford and find out more about their graduate level courses which could be a potential option for the future.
Omar D Williams,
Spring Break 2019 Participant
I found the entire experience rewarding. As a nontraditional student and parent, this was one of the more appealing study abroad options because it was only 8 days long and the weekly class meetings were at a convenient time. Spending the day Oxford and baring witness to the historical structure of the city was an amazing.
Tasha Lynrose Cerny,
Spring Break 2014 Participant
Traveling in general is absolutely the most rewarding experience you can have as a college student. Not only does it give you a chance to make new friends, see new places, and learn about new cultures, but it can really open your eyes to yourself in relation to the world around you. It can be a life-changing experience, and it can give you the confidence and experience you need to go out into the wide world independently and really just experience the world around you.
Allyson S Jones,
Spring Break 2014 Participant
I learned about the importance of understanding and embracing the host country's culture. It makes the trip so much more worthwhile.
Megan E Bricks,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
I learned a lot about myself on this program. I learned how to get around a large city and use the Underground. Be prepared for the unexpected. Make a plan of what you want to do, but don't always follow it.
Brett Dylan Doze,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
I learned that you have to be aware of your surroundings in London so that you can take it all in. Pictures are great, but don't spend too much time behind your phone or camera because you will likely miss something.
Spring Break 2016 Participant
Plan ahead, but keep an open mind about your schedule. Planning allows you to make full use of your short tome in London, but allowing some changes will give you opportunity to experience different things you'd otherwise miss.
Spring Break 2016 Participant
Dont be afraid to leave the group and spend most of your time alone in London.
Spring Break 2016 Participant
Don't plan ahead too much. Determine where and what you want to do, but be willing to take impromptu adventures. I was certain I would visit Cambridge on my last free day in London. When it came down to it, however, I realized there was so much more I wanted to see just in London. I never made it to Cambridge, and I have no regrets.
Emily Lauren Roberts,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
Don't be afraid to do stuff on your own! But also don't be afraid to say "hello" to someone you don't yet know on the trip! You never know.
Katelyn F Shirley,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
Be open to making friends with the most unexpected people and try new things every single day.
Alicia L Whitson,
Spring Break 2016 Participant
I learned that I didn't need to be with a huge crowd of other students to have an amazing time- some of my best days were the days that I ventured off on my own and did the things that I wanted to do without worrying about what others were doing.
Taylor Alexandra Avery,
Spring Break 2017 Participant
Take the opportunity of going to London to learn more about your interests and connect with the people you went on the trip with.
Margaret Kaemmerer,
Spring Break 2017 Participant
Don't get caught up in planning your whole trip. I know a couple of people who had every single day and hour planned out, and I think they missed out a lot on the social aspect of the trip. These people traveled most days on their own, which I think is important to do for one or two days, but one of the most fun parts of the trip was planning the first location with a group and getting distracted with them and finding somewhere new we never would have found if we planned the whole day hour by hour.
Caroline H Newman,
Spring Break 2017 Participant
There is no limit to the opportunities that the city can provide. Every person's experience over the week was different yet we all had one of the best weeks of our lives.
Spring Break 2017 Participant
Go! Just go! Even if you are scared but you will be. Going abroad can be a nervous and scary experience but it is definitely worth it! It is worth more than you pay for!
Samuel Jeffrey Steuart,
Spring Break 2017 Participant
I learned that the world is so much more diverse than anyone could ever possibly imagine. It's one thing to know how different we each are, but it's a completely different story to see that in real life. That is exactly what this program provided me an opportunity to do. This program taught me even more ways to appreciate diversity wherever I am and it has encouraged me to discover more ways all of us can celebrate and cherish our differences. We should never be afraid of the things that make each of us unique. I learned to, "Mind the gap between the train and the platform!" and I witnessed London's resilience and respect for victims and their families in the face of a terrorist attack. And I learned that Dr. Mary Klayder may just definitely be the smartest and wisest human being on this planet. This trip also taught me the valuable lesson that what you study during your time at KU needs to be what you are truly passionate about because your passion will drive your curiosities and lead you to learn more than you could ever fathom. When you study what you are truly passionate about, your capacity to learn and explore is endless. Academic curiosities lead to creative ways of thinking and creativity will always be the first step in the direction of progress. I will forever be curious.
Kelly K Werther,
Spring Break 2017 Participant
I learned that when you are abroad for just eight days, you don't say no to much. If a friend asks if you want to go to a museum, go. If a group asks you to join them on a midnight walk to the London Bridge, go. You might not sleep a lot, but when you look back on your trip you won't remember all the hours you slept. You will remember the nights you spent walking through the city with some of your greatest friends.
Spring Break 2017 Participant
Stay humble and open to new experiences
Spring Break 2018 Participant
I am usually someone who plans everything to the second, but with this trip I decided to try something new and do the more "go with the flow" approach. I definitely do not regret this and, as this program is only eight days long, I would encourage future students to let themselves have a full experience without packing each day so full that the trip becomes stressful. There is so much to do in London, and I believe acknowledging that you will not be able to do everything is key to having the best experience possible.
Spring Break 2019 Participant
I learned that the experience of living in another place and meeting people from another culture significantly expands one's imagination of the possibilities of life. If a student is anxious about future career paths, I think participating in a program like this would be helpful.