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Spain : Reviews (Barcelona)

The following program review responses have been selected for publication by Study Abroad & Global Engagement
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Summer 2012 Participant
My favorite part of the program was the weekend excursion to the Pyrenees. It was absolutely gorgeous!


Summer 2012 Participant
I enjoyed being in a completely different culture and exploring an amazing city


Aaron Hopkins Elston, Summer 2012 Participant
I loved exploring the city and finding new things. Everywhere we went there was a surprise to be found.


Clenton Carey Tippin, Summer 2012 Participant
I enjoyed living in Barcelona and not feeling like I was a tourist. I felt like I was apart of the city.


George S Depew, Summer 2015 Participant
I enjoyed the daily trips we took in my literary course. It was amazing to read about these locations rich in culture then less than an hour later go visit that place and compare the representation in literature to the actual place.


Ali L Oatsdean, Summer 2016 Participant
I loved living with a host family. I feel like I really got to experience the culture (and the food!!) by living with my host parents.


Summer 2017 Participant
My favorite part of this program was the city of Barcelona itself. I loved getting acclimated to the diversity of cultures that existed in Barcelona and learning more Spanish than I've ever learned in the United States due to the exposure. I enjoyed the house family stay because it provided a safe place to have access to even more spanish speaking and going into the program not knowing anyone was also beneficial.


Kali G Boydston, Summer 2018 Participant
I loved getting to push myself outside of my comfort zone every single day. Whether it was in the classroom, talking with locals, or being truly independent for the first time, I always felt like something great was about to happen. I can't describe the feeling of accomplishment and growth at the end of my trip- this was hands-down the best decision I've ever made.


Marie-Isabel Lemke, Summer 2019 Participant
My favorite part of my study abroad experience was my fellow students and teachers. The students I studied abroad with helped me grow in my Spanish abilities, allowed me to adjust quickly, and always made me feel comfortable and not stressed. The same goes for my teachers. Indira was a light to all of her students and always made sure none of us were struggling.


Summer 2022 Participant
it’s so difficult to chose just one favorite part of this program, because it was spectacular. I learned so much even faster than I could’ve hoped for. being completely immersed in the culture was incredible. I loved the city itself, I love all the distinct neighborhoods and amazing buildings with so much history. one of my favorite moments was hiking bunker del caramel and watching the sunset and then gazing over the city y night and seeing the glory that is la sagrada familia.


Summer 2022 Participant
My favorite part of the program was being able to communicate with people on the other side of the world in a completely different language and being able to go up and have a conversation with whoever I wanted about whatever.


Summer 2022 Participant
The best parts about studying abroad were the friendships I created along the way! The relationships I made with my host mother and new friends are connections I will value forever. I was able to meet people from all over the world, and I'd like to think that I left a footprint on a few.


Summer 2022 Participant
My favorite part of my program was being able to live with a host family. They were some of the nicest people I have ever met and made me feel so welcome. They did not speak English so it was definitely one of the biggest reasons that my Spanish was able to improve.


Summer 2023 Participant
My favorite part of this program was finally being able to fully immerse myself in the Spanish culture and language.


Summer 2023 Participant
Honestly, my favorite part of the program was my host family because of how much I was able to learn by sharing our perspectives, and how welcoming they were to my roommate and I. They ensured that we felt comfortable in our new home and were flexible with eating times. Initially, it was difficult to understand their Spanish, but by the time I left Spain, I felt like I could have a normal conversation with them.


Lesan Marie Peters, Summer 2016 Participant
Being immersed into a Spanish culture was the most rewarding aspect of my experience.


Jenna Rose Haith, Summer 2017 Participant
Some elements of the program that I found were the most rewarding was going on the excursions with the class and living with the host family. I got really close with my host family. It was sad when I left, but my host mom said that I was welcome to stay with her if I ever come back. I feel that I am more independent and I am not afraid to ask for help when I need it.


Priya Jaya Hebbar, Summer 2017 Participant
Living with a host family was the most rewarding experience of the program. I was able to fully immerse into the culture and create a strong bond with the family.


Summer 2017 Participant
I found the most rewarding to be the amount of spanish I picked up from just having conversations with locals and learning from different interactions. Being an observer is key when you are abroad to fully understand different social cues, pronunciation, etc. I liked getting close my with professors as well. Being a nontraditional student in a non native speaking country, this helped me have piece of mind.


Kali G Boydston, Summer 2018 Participant
Make the most of your time abroad! You're here to learn and experience, so don't cut yourself short. The best way to grow and fully immerse yourself in the culture is through the language. So even though you're only "required" to speak in Spanish in class, do it everywhere: with your host family, with locals, with other students. I promise your skills will improve so much more. Plus, you earn the respect of native speakers! Talking on the street is so different from talking about analysis or examining a novel in the classroom, and you'll love coming back home with new slang.


Summer 2018 Participant
I found my interactions with my host family to be very rewarding, they were very kind and helped me develop my Spanish-speaking skills. Also getting to interact with various native speakers throughout each day, and of course all of the cool things we got to see and experience.


Summer 2022 Participant
The utilization of host families pushed and improved my ability to converse in Spanish about a variety of topics.


Summer 2022 Participant
The most rewarding for me were the cultural experiences. Going abroad really opens your eyes to different ways of life, style, culture, language and what it feels like to live and be happy as opposed to living solely to work.


Summer 2022 Participant
Embracing a new culture and language was very rewarding for me. Working through stressful situations in a new country by myself was trying, but the outcome was a learning experience I value. I learned so much about a world I had only previously heard about in textbooks. It was surreal to use my degree actively and every day -- it felt like all the schooling I had completed was actually paying off!


Summer 2022 Participant
I learned so much about myself outside of just learning more about Spanish. This experience helped me develop into a well-rounded adult by learning about independence, healthy boundaries, self-care and confidence, and balancing school with tourist activities. Without studying abroad, I don't think I would be the person I am today, and that is what I find extremely rewarding.

Furthermore, a lifelong goal of mine has been to become fluent in Spanish. This experience has undoubtedly helped me get closer to that goal. I am now trying to find a longer program or experience in a different Spanish speaking country to help achieve my goal of fluency because I realized 6 weeks is just not long enough! It flew by and now I look forward to going abroad again.


Summer 2023 Participant
I found that when I went and did activities by myself and talked with locals like a normal resident, it was very rewarding. I would learn something in every single conversation, and saw that the majority of people in Barcelona are very nice people.


Summer 2012 Participant
Research the city before you go and you will be rewarded, Barcelona is big and don't expect to figure it out in a few days. It takes weeks.


Summer 2012 Participant
When learning a new language, it's important to TRY!! You don't always have to be right, and it's OK to ask questions. That really helped facilitate the development of my language skills.


Summer 2012 Participant
I learned a lot about myself in general, and I learned so much about the culture in Barcelona.


Priya Jaya Hebbar, Summer 2017 Participant
I learned how to be independent. I often found myself exploring the city alone and it was extremely rewarding as well. I grew as a person.


Arman A Hadjian, Summer 2018 Participant
I think the most important thing to do when you do a program like this is to make sure you don't treat it like a vacation. You are there to learn and there are so many enjoyable things to do but if you spend all your time speaking English and going to the beach, you wont use this once-in-a-lifetime experience to the fullest.


Summer 2018 Participant
I learned that I was a lot more independent and capable than I thought. I was nervous about being on my own in a foreign country, but I quickly found out that my previous Spanish education had prepared me very well, and it was easier to adjust to a different culture than I had thought.


Summer 2022 Participant
You learn the most OUTSIDE of the classroom -- make sure to interact with locals and ask a lot of questions! Soak up the cultural differences and learn to be okay with being lost/confused within them. If you can do that, you will work through stressful situations with ease and learn a lot from your environment.


Summer 2022 Participant
I learned to be vigilant and aware of my surroundings and belongings while traveling in the city and while traveling to other places. Also, to be willing to learn new things and meet new people!


Summer 2023 Participant
Talk to others about your struggles initially. It's a lot easier to adjust to the differences and craziness when you come to realize that your peers are all experiencing the exact same things as well.