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Costa Rica : Reviews (San Jose)

The following program review responses have been selected for publication by Study Abroad & Global Engagement
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Danielle Marie London, Fall 2016 Participant
My favorite part of studying in Costa Rica was living with a host family and making friends not only from Costa Rica but also from all over the world.


Lydia Rose Vogt, Fall 2016 Participant
My favorite part of the Costa Rica study abroad program was meeting people from both Costa Rica and from countries all around the world and getting to know them in an academic and non-academic environment. I met people from Germany, Finland, Nicaragua, Mexico, France and many more countries and have made friendships and connections that are meaningful which I will benefit from in the future.


Ashley Rene Fisher, Early Start Fall 2017 Participant
I loved the early start program. It really helped prepare me for the semester at UCR. I improved my Spanish skills significantly during the early start, so I highly recommend students do the early start.


Amanda P Reggeti, Early Start Spring 2017 Participant
My favorite part of this program was how easy it was to travel around the country using their affordable bus system. I loved how one weekend you could go to the rain forest in the mountains and the next to the beach. There were many economical places available to stay in almost every destination and it was fun because I always met really cool people from all around the world.


Early Start AY 2018 Participant
My favorite aspect of this program was the freedom it allowed me to create my own experience. I loved living with a host family, traveling on the weekends and getting to know other students.


Wynne Claudette Ebner, Early Start Spring 2018 Participant
I had a great experience with my host mother. She was the sweetest woman who I really enjoyed getting to know and helped me practice Spanish. I also had so many great opportunities to travel and see the country since it's small enough to see most of it.


Megan Mae Holder, Fall 2018 Participant
My favorite part of the program happened every day at the university. I'd walk to class, maybe stop for a pastry or coffee, then learn about Latin American geography or Central American history on the gorgeous UCR campus. Getting to experience everyday life in Costa Rica was fascinating and rewarding.


Torri Rose Lonergan, Fall 2018 Participant
My favorite part of this program was living with my host moms (Sara and Sole). I learned so much from them and really appreciated that they included me in everything. They were so sweet to me and helped me with absolutely everything. I also loved how much I was able to travel. I saw so many beautiful places in Costa Rica that I will never forget.


Gabrielle C Doue, Spring 2018 Participant
My favorite part of this program was probably living with a Costa Rican family, because this allowed me to fully immerse myself in their culture, as well as be constantly surrounded by Spanish without simply sitting in a classroom. These people welcomed me with open arms, and I had the unique opportunity to experience a culture different than my own in a very personal and exciting way. I had friends from other exchange programs that did not live with families, and while their experiences were certainly enriching and exciting, they did mention to me many times that by living with a true Tico family, I had a greater opportunity to fully experience the Costa Rican lifestyle - and I definitely agree!


Early Start Spring 2019 Participant
My favorite part of this program had to be the natural beauty Costa Rica has within its borders, despite being a tiny country. The high level of biodiversity means there are tons of species of animals, some which I had never seen before in-person. Fun fact: the first sloth I saw in Costa Rica was actually right on campus! it was right outside my classroom window!


Fall 2019 Participant
I loved the opportunity to take the same classes as Costa Rican students! Being the only foreign exchange student in the class was a challenge, but well worth it. I made tons of friends and improved my Spanish immensely.


Fall 2022 Participant
I really enjoyed the freedom this program allowed me, as I could choose my courses from the entire course catalog at UCR. It gave me a really authentic experience, and allowed me to take classes which finished parts of my second major, not just Spanish courses.


Fall 2022 Participant
I really enjoyed staying with my host family, they were an amazing match for my life style and helped me navigate my time in San Jose. They were incredibly supportive and truly felt like family to me.


Fall 2022 Participant
My favorite part of the program was living with my host family! They were so welcoming and wonderful people. My Spanish improved so much through this experience, and I met so many wonderful people through them. I also loved having the grupo de Kansas students and coordinators to help with the process of adjusting.


Fall 2023 Participant
Joining the Mountaineering Club at UCR (El Club de MontaƱismo) provided a loving and adventurous community alongside unforgettable trips into the Costa Rican jungle.


Spring 2023 Participant
My favorite part of the program was making friends and connections while in Costa Rica. I had many great experiences and will definitely return to visit in the future.


Lydia Rose Vogt, Fall 2016 Participant
I found the academic environment most rewarding. While at times I felt like I was struggling and that I would not be able to complete all the assignments, now that I reflect on the semester I am most proud of the academic part of the experience because learning and thriving in an environment where no one speaks the same language is great and it amazes me that I was able to do it.


Ashley Rene Fisher, Early Start Fall 2017 Participant
Living with a host family was amazing. I think it really helps the student grow accustomed to living abroad.


Amanda P Reggeti, Early Start Spring 2017 Participant
I felt that the language and cultural immersion elements of this program were very rewarding because they pushed me to step out of my comfort zone. I learned so much about the culture and language, as well as myself through my classes at the Universidad de Costa Rica. It was challenging at the beginning, but I ended up making many friends from my classes, getting really close to my host family, and my Spanish improved a lot because of these elements.


Fall 2017 Participant
I found the classes to be most rewarding, as well as living with a host family. Both situations required constant use of Spanish which ended up allowing me to better my Spanish abilities when talking about academic topics or about everyday life topics.


Early Start AY 2018 Participant
I found the language immersion aspect most rewarding. It was incredible to slowly notice the improvements in my speaking and understanding of Spanish. The difference in my Spanish skills from the beginning of the year to the end was truly remarkable.


Wynne Claudette Ebner, Early Start Spring 2018 Participant
Taking classes in Spanish with Costa Rican students was challenging but also extremely rewarding. The professors were for the most part very understanding and helpful and it was interesting to work in groups with the other students.


Torri Rose Lonergan, Fall 2018 Participant
The intensive language immersion aspect of the program was very challenging, but super rewarding. My language skills improved so much last semester. I never would have made that much progress so quickly without taking classes at the UCR and living with a host family.


Spring 2018 Participant
The most rewarding aspect of this program was that there were many times when we couldn't control the circumstances and we had to be flexible and patient.


Spring 2018 Participant
The most rewarding aspect of the program was seeing how much my Spanish speaking abilities improved over the course of the semester.


Fall 2019 Participant
I really enjoyed the trips that Zaida and Isa took us on. It was amazing to get to see different parts of the country and try local foods. It gave us another opportunity to practice our Spanish outside the classroom.


Spring 2020 Participant
I really enjoyed the cultural experience. Living in San Jose, it was super easy to meet new people, and I feel like my Spanish skills improved tremendously. Even though my time there was cut short, I finally felt confident to speak Spanish with native Spanish speakers. Of course, the mini KU class before the semester also helped!


Fall 2022 Participant
I deeply enjoyed the classes, being in class with students from my host country was incredibly immersive and was amazing for both my academic and everyday Spanish.


Fall 2022 Participant
The progression of my Spanish speaking and comprehension skills was incredibly rewarding and helped me make great progress towards my goal of being fluent or mostly fluent in Spanish.


Fall 2022 Participant
Living with a host family was the most rewarding part of the program.


Fall 2023 Participant
Learning to speak Spanish at a high level was extremely rewarding.


Fall 2023 Participant
The most rewarding part of this program was watching my language skills grow and comparing my abilities from when I arrived to when I was leaving. I was able to speak and understand much more fluently.


Spring 2023 Participant
The most rewarding elements of the program were meeting new people, challenging myself academically, and improving my Spanish. I also gained a different outlook on my own nationality by living away from my country for so long.


Danielle Marie London, Fall 2016 Participant
I think that studying abroad helped to teach me a new form of independence that comes from doing things like traveling on your own, going to classes in a foreign language, and making friends and relations in a new country.


Lydia Rose Vogt, Fall 2016 Participant
I learned that it is important to make connections with others around you. If I had been alone throughout the semester it would have been very rough but because I made friends with other KU students, Costa Ricans, and students from around the world I was able to change my experiences in a positive way that could not have been done without the many people I interacted with on a daily basis.


Cyan Skye Sanders, Early Start Fall 2017 Participant
Language learning stalls at a certain part in your studies and it is at this point that immersion in that culture and language are the only things that will help you. Costa Rica is a better program than the others because the UCR is an amazing University and the host families and directors are unlike any others.


Amanda P Reggeti, Early Start Spring 2017 Participant
I learned the importance of having patience with yourself and staying positive. Studying abroad can be hard in moments, but in reality is one of the best experiences you could have. You learn so much. In a language immersion experience you will get frustrated with yourself, however it is important to remember that learning a language is an endless process. I would say do not be afraid to make mistakes and keep trying.


Fall 2017 Participant
I learned that it isn't always some fun vacation because you are still in school and have to work hard at it. At first I imagined school would be incredibly easy but it did take a lot of time and effort like any normal semester in the US.


Wynne Claudette Ebner, Early Start Spring 2018 Participant
I learned about what it's like to live in another culture for an extended amount of time. Don't be afraid to reach out to the coordinators- Isa and Zaida are wonderful people and resources. Meet other international students and travel while you can.


Megan Mae Holder, Fall 2018 Participant
Speak as much Spanish as you can. It's ok to make mistakes!
Get to know your host family - they want to know you and invite you into their family.


Gabrielle C Doue, Spring 2018 Participant
I learned first and foremost that you may think you know a foreign language well until you go to live in their country for six months. Basically, be prepared to be nervous, embarrassed and corrected by native speakers! That is simply something that comes with learning a second language, and the most effective way to learn, in my opinion. Furthermore, you should not assume that because you are an exchange student that your professors will go easy on you. Don't be a lazy student! You are here primarily to learn, so you should treat these courses as you would any other course at KU. Most importantly, I learned that studying other languages and cultures is a lifetime goal that requires dedication and hard work - but is without a doubt one of the most rewarding experiences you can incorporate into your life. There is always more to learn.


Spring 2018 Participant
I learned to be present.


Fall 2022 Participant
You are the leader of your own experience. My experience there was driven almost entirely by myown desires for the program.


Fall 2022 Participant
I learned that it is important to ask questions when you don't understand something. All of my professors were very accommodating when I talked to them. I also learned that it is okay to make mistakes. They are going to happen but the important part is to continue speaking and learn from mistakes.